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Sam Altman wants to make AI ‘super-competent colleague’

A "super-competent colleague that knows absolutely everything about my whole life, every email, every conversation I've ever had, but doesn't feel like an extension,"...

Blockchain News

Investment Picks Up in Crypto Startups

With an aggressive style of financing that reflects both the recovery of the digital asset market and venture firms' eagerness to deploy capital, cryptocurrency...

Are Investors willing to buy Bitcoin after the Halving?

The fourth halving of the Bitcoin network occurred late on April 20. This approach is significant not just for Bitcoin holders but also for...

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Data News

Making Big Money from AI

According to Accenture research, businesses who utilize generative artificial intelligence (AI) to customer-related projects should see a 25% increase in income after five years...
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Python metaprogramming Tutorial

Metaprogramming, like metadata, is the creation of programs that manipulate other programs. It is widely assumed that metaprograms are programs that generate other programs....
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