HomeBlockchainBlockchain NewsUnderstanding the Updated Roadmap of Ethereum

Understanding the Updated Roadmap of Ethereum

On Saturday, Vitalik Buterin, one of the Ethereum co-founders, published an updated version of the Ethereum roadmap. He talks about his plans to make several changes to the Ethereum network after the Merge in order to deal with issues like censorship, block verification, and centralization.

According to the diagram Buterin shared on his Twitter page, the new roadmap has also been updated to incorporate a new stage known as The Scourge.

Buterin asserts that The Scourge will address MEV problems and assure reliable and impartially neutral transaction inclusion.

Buterin emphasized that the revised roadmap now has clearer criteria for each category and a more defined position for quantum-proofness as a key component of the “endgame” protocol. The phases of Surge, Verge, Purge, and Splurge are also included in the roadmap.

The EIP-4844 and Danksharding, rollups, and zkEVM protocols are all part of the surge phase. With a 100,000 transaction per second capacity, Ethereum promises to increase scalability and capacity. The fundamental rollup scaling and the complete roll-up scaling are both included in the milestones.

Verkle trees, which may accommodate smaller node sizes because they can put more data into a smaller proof, are a feature of The Verge. Now that the phase includes a verification, it is quite easy and simple to use SNARKs to verify blocks.

The Purge phase, which requires clients to remove earlier data, helps make the protocol easier to grasp. However, this necessitates the creation of systems to archive previous data.

The goal is to pay off any remaining technology debt while simultaneously lowering the cost of joining the network.

The key goals of the Splurge phase are to improve security and flexibility while also improving user experience. The Endgame EVM, Endgame EIP-1559, and Endgame account abstraction round out the list of components.

Ethereum surpasses $1600

The weekend’s price activity for Ethereum (ETH) started out in a positive way. The cost of the second-largest cryptocurrency in the world has climbed by 0.7% during the past twenty-four hours, reaching $1,624 at the time this piece was written.

Between October 21 and October 29, the price of Ethereum rose by 32%, reaching a record high for the area of $1,663. Ether has not yet significantly altered the market structure by declining below the swing low at $1,479 that was established on October 28 despite this quick gain already producing a string of lower lows after October 29.

The weekend cryptocurrency market

The overall value of the cryptocurrency market is up after rising back over $1 trillion and rising by 2.16% during the previous twenty-four hours.

According to the widely accepted hypothesis, the positive was sparked by the notion that the U.S. Federal Reserve may use rising unemployment as rationale to modify its hawkish monetary policy and lower the rate at which the Fed raises interest rates. The market’s opinion of the US economy improved as a result of this presumption.

It seems foolish to bemoan the fact that the bitcoin market has been entangled with traditional financial markets as the process of institutionalizing it moves forward.

As a result, institutional investors accounted for 83.6% of the exchange’s total trading volume, according to the most recent financial results report from Coinbase, the most well-known cryptocurrency exchange in the United States. Despite a $58 billion decline in trade volume, this was the case.

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