The evolution of AI & ML

The acceleration of digital transformation is influencing the future of Software-as-a-Service (SaaS), making it a viable option for organizations seeking functionality, accessibility, and flexibility. SaaS is based on scalable cloud delivery, always-on connectivity, and enterprise-grade security.

In a nutshell, the SaaS-based cloud model offers businesses numerous benefits such as significant resources, lower costs, time savings, and security. According to Veeam’s 2022 Data Protection Trends Report, platform diversity will increase in 2022, with the balance between datacenters (52%) and cloud servers (48%) continuing to narrow. This is one of the reasons why 43 percent of Indian organizations believe IaaS/SaaS capabilities will be the defining feature of Modern Data Protection in 2022.

SaaS has progressed to the point where users and suppliers manage their software with no human intervention required because software is distributed instantly over the internet via the cloud, and this will only become more common in the future. According to a report, by 2025, Indian Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) companies are expected to generate $30 billion in revenue and hold an 8 to 9 percent share of the global SaaS market.

Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) are quickly becoming integral parts of the SaaS ecosystem as part of the continuous evolution of SaaS solutions. With advancements in automated computing and powerful data-driven machines, both are critical components of SaaS.

AI will develop its personality

AI is poised to disrupt the data protection landscape in a variety of ways, assisting in the improvement of key SaaS model characteristics such as high availability and autonomous provisioning. When SaaS is combined with AI capabilities, businesses can extract more value from their data, automate and personalize services, improve security, and better organize human resources.

The introduction of SaaS coincides with the almost ubiquitous concept of big data, which enables organizations to analyze, extract, and use data that is too complex for traditional data-processing application software. SaaS has a distinct advantage by leveraging AI, in that the software provider has access to aggregated data from various customers, which can be used to develop more personalized customer experiences.

With modern IT operations being challenged by rapidly increasing amounts of data and the diversity of tools available to monitor that data, many businesses across APAC are turning to AI solutions to help prevent, identify, and resolve any potential outages or disruptions more quickly and seamlessly. According to a recent study, India is one of the top ten global AI adopters.

Machine learning will enable best-in-class customer experiences

ML, a subset of AI, enables SaaS companies to significantly improve personalization. This is significant because consumers expect personalized experiences that are tailored to their specific needs. ML can assist by analyzing a user’s previous actions and providing businesses with actionable insights into their preferences and interests – even before a purchase is made. This enables businesses to configure user interfaces to provide that all-important customized experience.

In addition to assisting businesses in delivering more personalized campaigns, AI and ML provide innovative new features such as voice control to more accurately track user behavior. This is great news for revenue retention and customer turnover reduction because customers who have had a positive customer service experience tend to be more interested in a brand.

AI-powered live chatbots, for example, will continue to use machine learning to automate responsiveness in customer service reports and applications. Because ML is based on an autonomous operational model, new upgrades will enable software and platforms that enable businesses to sift through massive amounts of internal operations so that they can focus on providing flawless experiences to their customers.

Improved mobile-first design and functionality

Mobile devices and screens necessitate a distinct set of features and functionality, and by focusing on mobile-first design and development, businesses using SaaS infrastructure are likely to see a significant return on investment in the coming year and beyond.

With the growing popularity of mobile-first design, it is safe to assume that the future of mobile SaaS will be app-driven. According to the Ericsson Mobility Report 2021, the average traffic per smartphone in the India region is the second-highest in the world and is expected to grow to around 50GB per month by 2027.

Furthermore, total mobile data traffic in India has increased from 9.4EB (Exabyte) per month in 2020 to 12EB per month in 2021 and is expected to more than quadruple to 49EB per month in 2027. That means mobile apps are intertwined in the average user’s daily life and businesses that fail to provide the same experience risk losing a sizable portion of their loyal customers – particularly among the digital-native younger generations.

Keeping up with the latest trends necessitates thinking outside the box and adapting to the present. That is why prioritizing mobile apps and mobile-first design is essential. It is already too late to argue whether your company should go mobile-friendly because smartphone users are increasing by the minute – and this is only going to continue at an exponential rate.

The future of SaaS

AI and machine learning (ML) have already disrupted and will continue to play an important role in the expansion of SaaS offerings. Their long-term applications have limitless possibilities, paving the way for the industry’s bright future.

AI heralds the start of a new era for consumers and businesses alike, allowing businesses to be more efficient in high-volume manual processes while remaining attentive to customers. Companies aiming to use the SaaS model should make room for AI and ML in their business processes in a dynamic business that is always growing and adapting at a breakneck pace.

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