Indonesian Student NFT sells for  Million

A 22-year-old Indonesian college student named Sultan Gustaf Al Ghozali made a fortune by selling about 1,000 selfies of himself as a non-fungible token (NFT) at the NFT marketplace OpenSea.

A computer science student from Semarang, Indonesia, originally took a selfie to record five years of college life and visually recorded the annoying years between the ages of 18 to 22.

At a price of $ 3 per piece, NFTs were never expected to make money or attract external commercial interests. In most selfies, Ghozali is standing or sitting in front of the computer, and his facial expression changes little every day. But in December 2021, he converted all these selfies to NFTs, uploaded them to OpenSea, and personalized some of them with useful contextual and important biographical information to add value.

To his very own surprise, Ghozali have become an sudden millionaire from the public sale of his NFTs, the sale of which turned into prefaced with a caution now no longer to tamper together along with his photos, lest his mother and father explicit disapproval: “You can do anything — like flipping, or whatever — however please don`t abuse my photos, or my mother and father will very disappointed in me. I trust in you guys, so please take care of my photos,” he wrote.

The crypto community gathered around his NFT on Twitter and pitched them until they reached stratospheric heights. This includes a total trading volume of 317 ETH (Ethereum) or over $ 1 million. The profits of OpenSea have led young entrepreneur to pay the first tax in his life:

Ghozali isn’t the only one excited about the growing interest in NFTs. According to DappRadar, NFT trading generated $ 11.9 billion in the first 10 days of this year alone, already reducing the total amount in the third quarter of last year.

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