Elon’s call to pause AI development is ‘unrealistic’

The chief technical officer of Meta calls a recent open letter calling for a halt to the development of powerful AI “unrealistic.”

In a Wednesday interview with Nikkei Asia, Andrew Bosworth expressed his opposition to the letter.

According to him, Investments in responsible development are crucial. It’s challenging to halt development and choose the appropriate course of action for modifications, though.

He continued: Before you can know how to safeguard and keep technology secure, you frequently need to understand how it develops. In his opinion, it would not only be unrealistic but also ineffective.

In order to safeguard and make technology secure, he said, “Very frequently, you must first understand how technology evolves. Since it wouldn’t work, I believe it to be not only unrealistic but also ineffective.

Elon Musk, who co-founded OpenAI, the business that produced the AI chatbot ChatGPT, and other AI professionals are among the over 1,000 signatories to the letter, which was published by the nonprofit Future of Life Institute.

The letter, which was published by the non-profit Future of Life Institute, expresses concern about an out-of-control race to develop and deploy ever more powerful digital minds that no one – not even their creators – can understand, predict, or reliably control.

Bosworth, also referred to as “Boz,” is not the only well-known person to condemn the letter. In an interview with Reuters last week, Bill Gates said the demands made in the letter wouldn’t be successful and he believe that asking one particular group to pause solves the challenges.

We can’t trust what our opponents will do with AI if they develop it first, according to billionaire investor and hedge fund manager Bill Ackman, who is against putting a stop to AI development.

He claimed that pausing AI development for six months would allow the bad guys enough time to catch up.

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