Trump accuses Harris of fabricating campaign crowds with AI

Donald Trump took to Truth Social on Saturday to write a series of rants that serve as additional evidence that all this crowd size chatter is really getting to him. This happened on the same day that many major outlets wrote about Vice President Kamala Harris and Minnesota Governor Tim Walz packing every seat at their rally in Las Vegas, which drew 12,000 attendees, with thousands more turned away due to space constraints.

In an attempt to create a scenario about Harris’ “image doctoring,” Trump fabricates an accusation against her that her campaign made people appear out of nowhere during a stop in Detroit on Wednesday. Harris is falsely accused of using artificial intelligence (AI) to manipulate images of the crowds at her rallies and other public events.

Has anyone observed that Kamala cheated at the airport? There was no one on the plane, and she ‘A.I.’d’ it, displaying a big ‘crowd’ of so-called followers, but THEY DID NOT EXIST!” Trump writes. A maintenance worker at the airport reported her in after noticing the false crowd image, although there was no one present, as evidenced by the reflection of the mirror-like finish on the Vice Presidential plane. She’s a cheater. She had no one waiting, yet the ‘crowd’ looked like 10,000 people! The same thing is happening with her phony ‘crowds’ at her talks. This is how the Democrats win elections: CHEATING – and they’re even worse at the ballot box. She should be disqualified because creating a phony image constitutes ELECTION INTERFERENCE. Anyone who does this will cheat at anything!

Trump posted a picture of a sizable gathering waving Harris-Walz banners in front of Harris’ aircraft on Sunday, citing it as “proof” of his charges. The “image’s origins are unknown,” and Snopes claims that although they “were unable to identify who first posted the image online,” they have not discovered that it is “fake.”

According to Snopes, the photo was shared widely on social media shortly after Harris landed in Detroit on August 7 for a rally. The Winston AI Image Detector was used to analyze the photo, and the results showed that it was “96% human” — meaning it was “likely photographed by someone and not created using an AI-generation tool.” Their results suggest that, if anything, “it’s possible that lightening, shadows, or filtering was digitally manipulated,” without mentioning the overall image.

The veracity of the Trump-shared photo and Harris’ Detroit event that day were also investigated by Spectrum News, which wrote:

There was a crowd, thousands of people showed up for the rally, many of whom shared their own photos and videos of the occasion, which was also live streamed by numerous news networks and included a number of well-known politicians.

In refuting Trump’s allegations, the publication also cites news source MLive, noting that “roughly 15,000 people filled the hangar, the crowd spilling out onto the tarmac.”

Regarding the verified attendance at the Harris-Walz rallies, a member on X sent the video, which shows the audience size at the Vegas rally this weekend. It is overwhelmingly authentic and would be very difficult to refute.

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