The big data industry transforms China’s rural areas

The big data industry and the digital economy are growing in China and they have not only transformed the lives of people in urban areas but also of those in rural areas.

Guizhou Province in Southwest China, which once had a very poor population, is currently the country’s vital big data hub.

Guizhou is China’s first national big-data extensive pilot zone and has been boosting the big-data industry as the foundation of its excellent social and economic development. It is transforming farming into smart technology.

Digital devices are gathering real-time data from the tea garden and providing scientific support for growing tea at a tea plantation base in the province’s Pu’an County.

Big data has helped the garden in improving its yield and white tea, and as a result, the local farmer’s income has increased. Not only this, but big data has also assisted in streamlining the production of several businesses.

Apart from businesses, individual residents are also being benefitted due to the big data industry.

Guizhou has established telemedicine platforms in rural areas so that villagers can consult doctors in city hospitals from afar.

As per the plan of the local government, by 2025, the province’s big data, as well as the electronic information industry’s total output value, will surpass 350 billion yuan (about 52 billion U.S. dollars), with the digital economy accounting for roughly half of its GDP.