Majority of people want an AI clone for personal tasks

By 2035, over half of consumers globally want an artificial version of themselves to perform personal tasks like shopping.

As to a research produced by marketing firm Dentsu, 62% of consumers in Asia-Pacific, as opposed to the global average of 49%, express their desire for an AI clone to manage their administrative, communication, and purchasing needs. Thirty thousand people from 26 markets were surveyed for the study; 11,000 of those respondents were from ten Asia-Pacific markets, which included the US, China, Japan, France, and India.

Three out of four people worldwide anticipate autonomously scheduling maintenance appointments and reordering parts for their cars and appliances by 2035.

An further 3 out of 4 respondents desire an AI assistant to filter through advertisements and promotions that are delivered to them. This indicates that customers are becoming more at peace with giving up more intimate connections to “AI gatekeepers,” according to the survey.

Additionally, 60% would like their brand preferences to be highlighted by an AI assistant participating in focus groups on their behalf.

77% of customers worldwide think that by 2035, firms should give them personalized offers and promotions that take into account their personal context—such as tone and geolocation—as well as current events, including traffic and weather.

According to Dentsu, 71% of respondents expect brands to have unique personalities when interacting with customers as AI is used for customer support more and more.

Asia-Pacific consumers are more at ease delegating personal activities to artificial intelligence (AI), as seen by 88% of them being willing to give AI assistants control over work and personal scheduling. The highest number in the world is this one.
In the region, an additional 85% of people would prefer an AI assistant to oversee their recurrent purchases, approve advertisements, and take part in focus groups on their behalf. The global average, by contrast, is 77%.

Furthermore, according to 70% of respondents in Asia-Pacific, partnerships with AI companions could be just as gratifying as those between people by 2035. This reached its peak in China at 78% and India at 81%. This is a global average of 56%.

Businesses are going to have to sell to AI gatekeepers more often than to human equivalents as customers turn to AI clones to handle their personal activities. According to Dentsu, in order to allow transactions that will take place without direct human participation, machines would need to “plot with each other”.

In order to be allowed into their domain, businesses must have a thorough contextual awareness of each individual customer, beginning with their AI gatekeeper. This means that the marketing strategy will need to change from a consumer-centric model to a life-centric model of interaction, according to the agency. The finest ways for brands to reach out to prospective consumers will need to be rediscovered and rearranged; this may involve working with organizations outside of their ecosystem or creating entirely new procedures.

Brands will have to respect the unique routes and preferences that customers have defined when their AI helpers take over. Customers’ pre-established algorithms will be worked out if they are forced into pre-arranged collaborations and brand ecosystems.

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