Make your data center servers easier to manage, without spending a penny on software with the Ajenti server manager.
The Anjenti Control Panel is an open source, web-based server manager that allows you to manage websites, DNS, cron, firewalls, files, logs, Samba, mail hosting, and much more. Ajenti is a tool any data center Linux server could benefit from. This server manager is simple to install and can be extended with plenty of plugins to meet your needs.
What you need
To successfully install Ajenti, all you will need is a running instance of Ubuntu Server 18.04 and a user account with sudo privileges.
Before we install Ajenti, make sure that your server is updated and upgraded. Do note, should your kernel be upgraded, you’ll need to reboot the server. Because of this, make sure to run the update/upgrade at a time when a reboot is possible (unless you have live patching installed, at which point you can run the task any time). To update and upgrade, log into the server to host Ajenti and issue the following commands:
sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get upgrade -y
Once that process completes, reboot the server (if necessary). You’re now ready to install.
There’s only one dependency that must be installed for Ajenti. Before we take care of that dependency, wget must be installed. Do this with the command:
sudo apt-get install wget -y
Once wget is installed, issue the following commands:
sudo apt -y install wget wget sudo pkg -i python-imaging_4.1.1-3build2_all.deb
The installation of python-imaging will error out. To fix this, issue the command:
sudo apt-get install -f
The above command will complete the installation of the dependencies.
Install Ajenti
Now it’s time to install Ajenti. First, import the necessary GPG key with the command:
wget http://repo.ajenti.org/debian/key -O- | sudo apt-key add -
Create a new ajenti.list file with the command:
echo "deb http://repo.ajenti.org/ng/debian main main ubuntu" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ajenti.list
Install Ajenti with the following commands:
sudo apt update sudo apt -y install ajenti
Finally, install the Ajenti V plugin (which includes easy-to-set-up web hosting) with the command:
sudo apt -y install ajenti-v ajenti-v-nginx ajenti-v-mysql ajenti-v-php7.2-fpm php7.2-mysql
Start and enable Ajenti
Once the installation completes, start and enable the Ajenti service with the commands:
sudo systemctl start ajenti sudo systemctl enable ajenti
Access Ajenti
You can now point a browser to https://SERVER_IP:8000 (where SERVER_IP is the IP address of the server hosting Ajenti). You will have to add an exception for the HTTPS certificate (as it is self-signed) and then (when prompted) log into Ajenti with the credentials root/admin (Figure A).
Figure A: The Ajenti login screen.
You will then see the Ajenti Dashboard, where you can configure Ajenti to fit your needs. Make sure to click on Password (in the left navigation – Figure B) and change the default admin password.
Figure B: The Ajenti Dashboard ready to serve.
The next steps are to go to the Configuration page and make any necessary changes to the default Ajenti configuration and then go to Plugins to install any plugins you might need for your data center Linux server. Any plugin that can be installed from within Ajenti, will display a button that will run the installer (Figure C).
Figure C: Installation of Samba is but a click away.
And that’s all there is to installing this powerful, user-friendly, web-based control panel on Ubuntu Server 18.04. Make your data center servers considerably easier to manage, without having to spend a penny on software or waste much time in effort.
This article has been published from the source link without modifications to the text. Only the headline has been changed.