Diagnosing Genetic Disorders Through Facial Recognition

Read about DeepGestalt, an AI program that is being studied by researchers.

AI is leveraging facial cognition across industries, especially in healthcare. Studies conducted by medical scientists and researchers from around the world focus on the influence of AI in the sub-fields of medicine. According to studies, AI will become an important part of long-term success, by efficiently creating new medical equipment and by improving patient and doctor interaction. In today’s date, artificial intelligence has advanced to such an extent that AI now has the ability to diagnose genetic disorders by just examining an individual’s face.

The process is sophisticated and the impact of this technology is unmatched. A recent study by Yaron Gurovich, a senior AI researcher, and a team of technology officers at GNDA evaluated the productivity of a new artificial intelligence prototype named DeepGestalt, in real-time medical scenarios. The foundation of Yaron’s research included 17,000 photographs of human beings, both diseased and healthy. But to make it more challenging for the AI program, each individual had already been matched with their health condition, a grand total of 200 diseases.

To initiate the study, AI was put to test in a rapid-fire style, where the program had to scan and analyze the faces of the individuals. DeepGestalt has the capacity to store over 100,000 faces which can be cleared on demand, at any time. After less than 30 minutes, the evaluation of complete. Gurovich found that the AI program had a correct diagnosis 91% of the time and had perfectly-identified over 15 genetic disorders including Turner Syndrome and Tay-Sachs disease. It also diagnosed Noonan Syndrome, a disorder that even medical professionals find difficult to diagnose.

With some tweaks, further modifications, and assistance from medical professionals, DeepGastalt can make its place in every hospital worldwide. “It’s clearly not perfect, but it’s much better than humans are at trying to do this”, said Gurovich. In addition to some modifications, it is very possible that a new meaning of medical standardization will be adopted by many doctors and nurses for diagnosis. Health professionals might also reconsider their skills in examining physical signs of diseases. If they observe DeepGastalt’s working, they might change their way of traditional evaluation, which is examining specific body parts like arms or legs. They might consider analyzing the patient’s entire body, in the first instance itself, with more emphasis on the face, on the spot of pain or discomfort, or through an image to verify the prediction of DeepGastalt.

AI technology already has an impact on the medical world. Apart from Gurovich, many other teams and experts, including FDNA, have conducted authorized experiments on DeepGastalt and concluded with similar results implying the AI program’s success. This potential means a lot of advancements in the medical sector and will prove important for the greater good of society. Along with doctors, nurses, and medical staff, the additional support of artificial intelligence technology can be of great help to healthcare’s future and human wellbeing. After witnessing a global pandemic like coronavirus, the healthcare industry needs a helping hand that AI can provide.

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