AI is Learning to have fun

Artificial intelligence technology has advanced at an almost alarming rate in recent years, we only have to think back a decade to reach a time when the idea of ​​artificial intelligence was completely futuristic. We imagined having humanoid servants running our houses for us, or a rebellion and conquest of the world. Fortunately, we haven’t reached this stage yet, but most lay people would not have foreseen that by 2020 artificial intelligence will have what can only be described as fun.

The idea of ​​having fun is such a human concept that it is amazing to think that AI has come this far, but it certainly is. There are now entire courses of study in this area, enough to make it a real career prospect for many. Here are some of the things that AI ​​did to relax in its free time.

Playing Casino Games

Last year, Artificial Intelligence at NTM Las Vegas learned how to have fun with a European game of roulette. Roulette is a very popular game that can be accessed online or in person in the casino settings. In this case, the robot was playing online, only bet on red or green. The robot was as successful as a human, but it would be interesting to see how it fares if allowed the full range of possible bets.

One AI that was also fun with casino games comes from DeepStack. This team created an AI that learned poker and could regularly win against professional poker players. Not only did the AI perform well in all of its tests, but the more it played, the better it got. This shows that AI is able to learn on the job. So if it keep this hobby, who knows what poker tournament it might win in the future!

Creating Legitimate Works of Art

Art is a topic in the field of artificial intelligence that fascinates so many people. The nice thing about art is that it is subjective and connects us with other people in an emotional way. The idea of ​​a computer program that creates art itself. It may seem cheap to some of us, but when you think about how AI learns to make art, the water turns cloudy. A cooperative in Shoreditch, London came together to teach an AI how to create “good” art. Artificial intelligence in human art for around 1500 years – this is exactly how talented artists learn, as everyone who has attended an art school knows.

Once you’ve seen the works of art and get inspired by those who appeal to it, the artificial intelligence begins to create its own pieces, picks up elements of the artistic movements that evoke emotions and manages to create a complete style. These works please the eye with interesting compositions and rich color palettes. It would be absolutely impossible for the inexperienced eye to know that they were created by artificial intelligence and not by a human, Absolutely unique and available for around $ 150.

Enjoying a Book

One of the simple joys in life is sitting on a deck chair in a sunny garden with a cold drink and a large book. Many of us choose reading as our preferred form of relaxation and no wonder it is wonderful. In a fantasy world, conjuring up a great mind is one of the simple joys of being human, so of course Artificial Intelligence wanted to know what it was about. The goal of being able to make a compressed version available to people, as in the SummarizeBot work. Another artificial intelligence was reading books, plays, and websites with the aim of being able to write in his style. Some of the results were nothing. A little hilarious, but some of the pieces were terribly realistic.

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