Intuitive Intelligence being the Mainstay for AI Developments

Artificial intelligence (AI) is growing in the variety of applications and influences. From healthcare, education, business administration, sports to space exploration. The role of AI is growing rapidly. Today’s AI applications are predominantly human-designed data-driven execution algorithms. Deep learning (DL) / machine learning (ML) -based AI technologies process large amounts of data. Data and learning from data to provide enhanced predictions and inferences that revolutionize the work and operations of a wide variety of business functions. At the same time, today’s AI applications, although referred to as artificial intelligence, lack real intelligence. In fact, the intelligence capabilities of AI are based on the intelligence of the human programmer, the experience and the quality of the data entered into the system.

The situation highlights the need for more work pertaining to new thoughts on AI development and building technology that can exhibit some limited form of intelligence within the bounds of ethical and harmless usage. Are there ways to do that simply by going back to basics, and beginning with a discussion on what human cognition is?

Human cognition

Neisser defined human cognition as “processes by which sensory inputs are transformed, reduced, elaborated, stored, retrieved and used” (cited in Mulder, 1983).

Through the use of intellectual tools, people acquire, understand and grasp knowledge and use it dynamically the knowledge for decisions and actions. As the definition suggests, cognition is not entirely a process of detailed analysis of everything, but also depends on intuition and the creation of senses. Not surprisingly, many human actions and decisions are made by intuition or formal intuitive intelligence. Although the human brain has the ability to process information through the use of intuitive intelligence, the dynamic nature of the process poses a significant challenge to the development of one Technology that can mimic the intuitive intelligence capabilities of the human brain. The main limitations of current AI technologies. The way forward, therefore, is to examine how AI can achieve a limited form of intuition. Interactive intelligence that can help AI machines do tasks more efficiently while complying with safe and ethical terms of use.

Reasons why II should be the mainstay for further developments in AI

Just as there are a number of laws that govern all forces of the cosmic universe, there are a number of laws that govern the microcosmic human brain, which is able to understand the government of the universe. Therefore, everything that we endeavor to create, ought to be devised with that equitable application in mind. That means there has to be a fundamental parallel consensus between the governance of AI and II. In order to enter the era of Einsteinian thought, a pending recognition awaits us, which means that nothing is exempt from the laws that rule the universe. The comparability between AI and II, which must be based on real emotional cognition, is the key to advancing technology, which automatically incorporates the factors of morality, ethics, altruism, transferability, unbound connectivity and trust in all information systems. With this standard question in mind, the patterns, sequences and formulas for the advancement of AI must be conducive and correlative to the postulated processes of natural knowledge as defined by universal cosmic laws that are fully understandable to the microcosmic human brain. Cognition is a mathematical function and everything, including artificial systems, is an extension of the language of the universe: we all come from music of the spheres.

The idea outlined here is that human intuitive intelligence is the blueprint for Technology AI (Artificial Intelligence). The most valuable evidence that can be produced in any field of knowledge, including science, is rooted in the fundamental principles of mathematics on which science itself relies over natural mathematics for its evidence, and Einstein used the principalities of mathematics for both his experiments as well as his relativity hypothesis. If the collaboration between scientific fields is to participate in the advancement of artificial intelligence, then that advancement should include neuroscience; However, neuroscience needs to update its basic analysis for cognition. One is that there is still a prevailing assumption that Emotional Cognition is yet to be defined and is depending on the singular version of cognition to create your distinctive description. However, this is an investment that is usually reverse engineered since emotional cognition is the first cognitive process and therefore the main platform for defining cognition itself, when cognition can in fact be viewed as a singular process.

The most basic fundamental characteristics of universal information processing indicate that intuitive intelligence, cognition, diversification, and the basic principles of mathematics are the same or literally identical at the most basic levels of knowledge and information. AI is positioned to set an example for the legitimate traits of diversified knowledge applications. Since diversification itself is a natural process of cognition, even when introduced in the early stages of Human Development II, so must be for AI. Creativity at the basic level is due to become a function required to formulate limitless possibilities in artificial information systems with the same certainty that AI will be used in a wide range of areas and applications of human services.


Identifying the relationship between AI and II is one thing, solving and coding the precursor elements of II is the next step that leads us to grappling with deciphering the problems that haveresolved misunderstandings about how thinking and emotions (typical of the pre-Einsteinianphysics) governed by separate laws or that reasoning is the impetus or driving logic behind Intelligent Emotions. In truth, the only reason we have advanced thinking skills is because we have advanced emotional skills. In other words, how can we unleash the infinite possibilities of AI without the looming fear of doom that machines rule us with something less than a robust and impenetrable code of moral strength, even though we must make a conscious effort to use, what If our potential is inherent,dueto a historical lack of emotional education, it is still possible dueto its original character. Embedded in the anatomy of intuition, thinking can easily be carriedout as an intuitive intelligence skill based on authentic human emotions that have roots in the hardware of compassion and optimism of the natural human brain (along with other endemically preparedelements for a full spectrum of Human II skills).

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